We help you find all the information about orthopaedic procedures - what they are, what are the benefits and risks and how the Bristol
Orthopaedic & Sports Injury Clinic will take care of you.
Start below with the individual procedure homepage and follow each procedure through to recovery..
Sports Advice
Help with finding the information you require
All the patient information pages are laid out in the same order as treatment will take place. Start with the links above for the introduction
to each procedure and follow your treatment from start to finish.
To skip to a particular page or bit of information use the quick links to the right.
How to make an appointment
Contact us directly:
An appointment may be booked directly through Mrs Andrea Beaumont, Personal Assistant to Mr David P Johnson,
by telephoning (44) 0117 970 6655 or via our e-mail contact form.
Appointments by referral::
Where a referral is from your GP or physiotherapist a letter will usually be provided including the details of
any previous treatment received or other relevant medical details.
Useful information to bring to your appointment:
It is helpful if any previous X-rays or scans which are available are brought to the consultation, and the
general practitioner may wish to provide the details of previous treatment received and other medical conditions.
Further Information
If you would like more information on any of the procedures described here please contact us and we will be happy
to help
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